Coach Yourself (& Others) Better Than Anyone Else — in Just A Read

6 min readApr 20, 2019

It is in moments of excitement, perspective of a brighter future that men touch Heaven. It is in the rising intensity that climax is attained. It is also at that moment that Hell shows its face — as if life loved to remind people about its somehow brutal cycles.

As most noticed, everything in existence is constantly moving in rhythm. Life is cyclic. Just when we begin to adapt to a situation, another one pops out of nowhere and creates unbalance.

Is it because of life’s sense of humor? Or, is it because we’re professional when it comes to categorizing everything?

Nothing seems to never last long enough for us to fully enjoy it. When the ‘good’ comes on our way, we’re open to receiving more of it — it makes us happier, ready to experience more from life. When the ‘bad’ comes on our way, we could benefit from it but the way we close ourselves to it, the way we resist it weakens the outcome.

Living in the present is then born to make us live life ‘at maximum capacity’, appreciating every single bit life has to offer.

The theories, speculations, or the “Um, I think?” are infinite. Most of our existence is spent trying to convince others about what we think is right. How many debates, explanations did we give for others to agree with our point of view aka Personal truth?

Truth is (and this time general) our hearts already know what is true. People will make an effort to listen, some will seek validation in your words, others will simply want more of what they already knew but the reality is: truth is just remembering.

What then is the best solution? Whenever you turn yourself to someone (or yourself) to solve a particular problem you’re facing, a myriad of solutions exist for you to get the desired outcome.

The only thing you must keep in mind at all price is that when you’re being challenged, your reality gets ‘corrupted’ — which means your reality exists between an ENTRY and an EXIT. (commonly called Problems/Fears & Solutions/Desires)

The entry is the reasons, the why’s, the guilty of your pain. It is the male aspect, it’s logical — it’s this person or that bloody rock on your way — it’s the stories you keep repeating to yourself as to why you’re unable to do whatever you wish to.

The exit is the ideal, the solution, the holy grail, this one thing that will give you salvation. The exit is female, it’s abstract, intuitive — it just is — it’s the promise of a brighter future.

Each time you’re trying to solve a problem, you’re working in collaboration with these two cowboys. Anyone facing challenges have their entire perspective glued, locked, blocked between these limits.

It’s the main reason people identify really fast with you once you know what their entry is. Can you remember a time someone just finally understood you? It’s as if no one could better understand your entire existence when it was just about this ONE problem.

When someone knows what your entry is, you’re at her mercy (same applies with you knowing other’s). The fact that people’s realities get corrupted by their experiences lock them between ‘Damn, it’s this bastard’s fault that I couldn’t get more cheese!’ and ‘It’s his fault, if only he could move his big ass and go somewhere else!’. It’s him, him and yeah, him again.

That’s the reality of this example and no matter what you think at that moment, nothing’s more real than this dude and his cheese stories.

Unless you have someone trustworthy, it’s hard to get out of this dance only by yourself (dancing is better at two). The main struggle here is ‘seeing’ more than what you think is real at this moment. Remember that your perspective is limited when you’re between these two points — once you’re in, the pattern is set — the ball will keep rolling back and forth until you get out of it. Let’s say you’re the child of this bee-mind trinity. (bee-mins, divine? Wasn’t obvious? I gotta stop…)

The difference between the entry and the exit is that the former is logical, practical, male while the latter is intuitive, abstract, subjective, female.

The entry to a problem is easier to spot and acknowledge than its counterpart. The entry is practical in a way that it’s coming from something tangible: whether or not people know it, it’s your job to follow the cues they’re leaving. (even unconsciously)

When it comes to expressing our entries, frustrations, some specific parts of ourselves get activated, the brain loves to focus on the negative as an example: we complain more, we have a harder time controlling our impulses, we let subtle yet compromising info out of us etc.

People think a master mastered everything to attain his level of mastery when the master just mastered one thing so much that the invisible became visible.


When you listen to a song for the first time, you like it because of the melody, then you hear some words that resonate with you, then it becomes familiar and you can sing it. If you keep listening you discover words that were ‘hidden’, certain sounds pop out of nowhere in the song, congrats: you mastered the song, the invisible became visible.

Even in little deeds you will find universal seeds. Life is nothing but a reflection of infinite mirrors each in front of the other.

To know someone’s entry isn’t a big deal: people are open books always speaking about themselves, what they feel is wrong and why they’re caught in certain situations. The exit on the other hand is a bit harder to grasp because most of the time, the people themselves don’t have a clue about it.

People will often speak about their pain and what they think will heal them only to get it and switch to something else: some say to be grateful for what you got, others to persevere, I say do both plus listen more to your intuition.

The solution to any issue isn’t always obvious. Yes we might face the same problems at times, yes some have solved this same problem before but the variables aren’t always the same. You are unique in your conception, the same goes for your journey — we could’ve faced the same issues but the way they enter and exit our lives is unique to us.

This then makes the exit of any issue harder to spot because less practical and more intuitive. You can’t simply reason and imagine your way out of something intuitive. It must be felt, understood and really unexplained. It is very subtle in the sense that it’s perfectly tailored to you, your journey and what you must get out of this issue.

We often try to explain our feelings, we often look for logical meanings to them and those of others. We often suck at finding something of real help. Science will never be able to climb the ladder of higher knowledge unless it accepts that intuitive knowledge is as valuable as logical knowledge.

We don’t need to go deeper into these things for now, the point we’re trying to cover is the following: until you can accept the existing polarity in everything, until you can accept their fusion for them to provide you result — you won’t be able to help yourself or anyone else.

There’s a part of the job that can be explained and another one that needs only recognition. Accept the existence of these aspects in any problem and you will always succeed.




Pieces on my personal experiences with healing and maturing as a human being. Free resources on healing: