Emotional Madness: Why We Feel It But Can’t Explain What The F*ck Went Wrong
This era of rapid access to information is simply WONDERFUL. With just a click, you can have the doors of infinite knowledge wide open. Any subject, any time. Of course this phenomenon transformed us. We became damn good at knowing, oh boy we do. Most of us know and just keep knowing even when we don’t know. I call this type of people “Jean-Scientific”, weird but I like this pseudo.
I also noticed that we became excellent at feeling guilt and shame because people discovered that we didn’t know about something:
“Oooh shit, I’m rotten for life now, they know that I don’t know …[feel free go on]”. Uh, really? Here’s something I know for sure:
We’re excellent at knowing everything outside.
Jean-Scientific: What? You don’t know shit!
Wait. I didn’t finish.
We’re excellent at knowing everything outside of ourselves. But. What about us? No, not the song from Pink. What about YOU, I mean, what do you know about you? Did you ever took some time to study yourself?
No, don’t close your eyes and start now, you’ll find nothing but a black void. As everything great, it will require patience and efforts. But lucky you, if yoou keep reading through, you might find some useful and tasty crunchy nuggets, let’s jump into it, shall we?
Decades of outside attention, a second of inside meditation, a life away from medication
Gray Connections
You wake up in the morning, you still have those annoying headaches from last night, you grab your phone and it’s already 7 o’clock when you should have woken up an hour ago, do your training and go to work.
You‘re’ on social media and politicians keep polluting the atmosphere, you hate it. Breaking news speak about a scandalous act done by someone you admired, breaking uh. And as you keep going through different events, your mind records everything, you didn’t left your bed but you already feel tired, it won’t be a great day — you say to yourself.
Eventually it’s not a great day, the pattern keeps repeating. You wander why things don’t change. You expect life to throw at you the things you desired for so long, that beautiful girlfriend that really loves you, the money for for the Gucci shoes, the perfect job where you make six figures with an angel boss.
Eventually nothing changes, your life is still the same, years after years. Why is it so?
The Boss In You
You read a lot of books, since your childhood you adored reading and thankfully today, after many years of frustration, you still read and came across some books on mindset, psychology and the human mind etc. It’s pretty interesting, insightful and it might have changed some truths in your core self.
Science has proven again and again that deep changes can always happen in ourselves, it can actually happen in our genes, yes they change for real. Why do some people drastically change after intense events in their lives? Why don’t you recognize the skinny kid that was always beaten by his comrades at school and suddenly became muscular, thick and a superhero to other kids in the same situation?
We could say that it’s because he changed, his mindset changed, he doesn’t see the world through the same lens, or that it’s experience and he grew more mature. Yes, it’s exactly that, the events were so intense that his genes actually changed, thus modifying every ounce of his being.
Now, what is an experience?
Jean Scientific: Something you experience — live, doing things help you create and strengthen neuronal connections so the next time it’s easier and requires less energy.
Thank you but shut up.
In scientific meaning, it’s just that. But something was forgotten, where do we actually experience things? The senses? Our skin? Nails?
We experience everything from our brain, he is the boss in you deciding of every move, your body is a bridge between him and the inputs (external stimulations) he needs to work properly — understand events and interpret them through you.
The AI Was Inspired By Your Mind
From what do you think that machines are learning? It’s not from codes, it’s not from scary maths, it’s not from geek stuff, it’s from you — your mind.
Everyday, you live through an identity forged by your own beliefs, thoughts, words, behaviors — no one is responsible for this madness but you, but me, for knowing everything but ourselves.
This identity we created is an image that we project to the world. But,what is the world? Living beings, environment, A Humorous-Hazardous-Intelligence.
Let’s take a break and loose things a bit. What would a different person than us, someone we’ve never been, think and have as an identity?
Let’s chose a King, so cool right?
- A King’s Thoughts: …I am in charge of an empire. I am the authority of this realm. These people depend on me. I possess so much wealth. People would do anything I want. I am responsible for every choice I make…
How does such daily thoughts transform your identity?
- You will have a relaxed presence — An empire of soldiers is at your service, always escorting your highness
- You won’t care about making money because you have it all — Oh, no stress about it!
- You will be artistic and give birth to your visions — Your worth makes you want to mark history
- You won’t insult people in the streets even if they act stupid — Your image before anything else
- You will play with kids, go to hospitals and help people daily — You’re the father/mother figure in your empire
Did you already felt some shifts in your thoughts? I did too. Here’s another interesting question, do you think that the best version of yourself, your dream self is thinking the same way you currently do?
Of course, the answer is a big muscular NO.
Think about it for a minute. You see, we’re to busy watching our own nose when we’re the best library for all of life’s truths.
Do you think that Bill Gate’s identity in his twenties is the same as today’s?
- “I’m gonna make this company worth billions” — Oh! Watch this moron kid, so greedy I hate him. (Bill 20)
- “I’m going to help the world become better, and fight poverty” — This guy’s so gentle, wise, loving. What a wonderful being. (Bill 60)
(“The identity you see in Bill” — Your response to it, you being the environment/world)
“Input” — Output
You’re constantly being bombarded by inputs from your environment: the world around, the people around (you’re the average of the five person you hang out the most with uh?), your TV, Social Media and even a red package of food you just saw at the grocery store.
Every piece of input, creates an output in your mind. A perception. If it’s red then it’s intense. If it’s white, then it’s pure.You believe it, not me.
Your Unwanted Programming
You didn’t want to be programmed — or did you?
Our entire life is based around stimuli. Every single day, everything around keeps suggesting us what we should think, who we should trust, what we should like and who not to come close to. It starts with our parents, then with society, and one day we’re too old, reflecting about this mess we can’t explain.
Maybe, blaming some “Evil” people or the “Illuminati” help us feel better for not taking charge of ourselves but the truth is: Even if those Evil, illuminati existed, who said that they cared about us? They might be too busy pursuing something bigger than we could understand.
Here’s a free tip: The more emotional importance you accord to something or someone, the more you allow it to control you and the less power you have to fight it.
And yes, society manipulates people, and so do you. Nobody forced you to watch the news — and speak about them to others, nobody forced you to keep playing advertising at home in front of your kids, nobody forced you to believe that the government is supposed to be good and help you, nobody did none of this but YOU.
It’s not harsh, it’s facts and it hit me hard too.
The thoughts you allow in yourself are the truths you create for your life.
Everything is Mind. It all starts once you understand these simple truths. Yes plenty of people are to be blame for a lot of the chaos in our world today, but getting mad at them only puts oil on the fire. Get mad at yourself and then move on.
Solving Your Life’s Puzzle
Masters and spiritual teachers all say that to cure yourself means to face your demons, to travel your own inner atmosphere and to discover your truth from within. This is very beautiful — for literature lovers.
I’m kidding, it’s of grandiose beauty. But let’s put it simply:
All the chaos you perceive through your identity’s lens was created by you, in one day of ignorance.
Today, you must undo all of them if you want to bring back order to your life.
If we could erase our mistakes by dying and coming back to life easily, there would be billions of deaths daily. Alas, such a thing doesn’t exist and it’s our job to clean our mess.
What options are left for us?
In the next part, I’ll delve deeper into the subject and extract practical ways to reach our goal of salvation. For now, I’m done. Stay tuned.